Photo of Southern Ringneck Snake

Southern Ringneck Snake

Scientific Name:

The scientific name for the Southern Ringneck Snake is Diadophis punctatus punctatus

Where they're located in New Jersey: 

Southern Ringneck Snakes can be found throughout the southern region of the state


Southern Ringneck Snakes are not venomous to humans, but can be to other animals

Placement on Endangerment Scale: 

Least Concern (LC)


Southern Ringneck Snakes are skittish and will run away or musk if they are threatened by potential predators.

Physical characteristics:

Southern Ringneck Snakes are black with a yellow band around the neck and a yellow underside. They can be 10-15 inches in length and have smooth scales.

Live or egg birth:

Southern Ringneck Snakes have egg births

Preferred habitat:

Under wood or rocky debris and mostly in forests