Photo of Queen Snake

Queen Snake

Scientific Name:

The scientific name for the Queen Snake is Regina septemvittata

Where they're located in New Jersey: 

Queen Snakes can be found very rarely along the Delaware River


No, Queen Snakes are not venomous

Placement on Endangerment Scale: 

Least Concern (LC)


Like most snakes, Queen Snakes will hiss to deter predators and will must and bite if the predator continues to harass the snake. Queen Snakes are much more suited to aquatic life than other snakes therefore finding on land is rare. They are famously known for eating freshly molted crayfish and rarely anything else.

Physical characteristics:

Queen Snakes have tan to dark brown coloring with a yellow stripe low on their side. They have keeled scales and are slender. As adults they can grow to 13-36 inches in length.

Live or egg birth:

Queen Snakes have live births

Preferred habitat:

Streams, rivers, shorelines and under rocks or other debris