Photo of Eastern King Snake

Eastern Kingsnake

Scientific name: 

The scientific name for the Eastern Kingsnake is Lampropeltis getula getula

Where they're located in New Jersey: 

Eastern Kingsnakes are located in the southern region of the state


No, Eastern Kingsnakes are non-venomous

Placement on Endangerment Scale: 

Vulnerable (VU)


Eastern Kingsnakes are more docile than most other snakes and will choose to run from conflict instead of attacking. Because of this they have been used in the pet trade.

Physical characteristics:

Eastern Kingsnakes are almost all black with thin white chain link bands. They have smooth scales and can grow to be 36-82 inches in length.

Live or egg birth: 

Eastern Kingsnakes have egg births

Preferred habitat:

Hardwood and pine forests, bottomlands, swamps, hammocks and tidal wetlands