Black Rat Snake

Scientific Name:

The scientific name for the Black Rat Snake is Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta

Where they're located in New Jersey: 

Black Rat Snakes can be found throughout the state


No, Black Rat Snakes are non-venomous

Placement on Endangerment Scale: 

Least Concern (LC)


Black Rat Snakes are occasional tree climbers. They are more defensive due to their larger size. They will bite and musk or slither away if the threat continues.

Physical characteristics:

Black Rat Snakes are black and shiny, chin and throat may be white and some white may occur between the scales. They have weakly keeled scales. Juveniles have significantly different patterns, grey patterns of scales on a black background. They can grow to be 34-101 inches.

Live or egg birth:

Black Rat Snakes have egg births

Preferred habitat:

Woodlands, rocky hillsides, meadows or trees